

Anubias and Java Fern are two great freshwater plant alternatives for low light tanks. Not at all like most freshwater plants, they can go in aquariums that highlight African Cichlids or Goldfish. These two plant species are anything but difficult to think about and not requested by any means. You can abandon them in the pot, connect them to driftwood, or, as we're doing here in the current week's blog, plant them on aquarium rocks. They're the hardiest and most effortless to work with.

Anubias plants are accessible available to be purchased two or three distinctive ways. Regularly, Anubias plants sold as uncovered root plants taken appropriate from the rock in the store tank. Anubias plants may likewise be sold pruned in a little plastic compartment. Different occasions, Anubias plants might be sold joined to things like volcanic rock, flotsam and jetsam, suction container, or other enhancement. When purchasing Anubias Barteri, search for plants with lavish green leaves, a thick rhizome and a sound arrangement of roots. Endeavour to maintain a strategic distance from plants that have split or broken leaves, or leaves with openings in them. Likewise, endeavour to keep away from plants that have green growth obvious developing on them.

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