How to Control Aquarium Algae

Algae growth development is an unavoidable truth that each aquarium proprietor will confront at some point or another. Some Algae growth development is ordinary and solid, yet overabundance Algae growth development is unattractive and can be perilous to fish and plants. 

Algae growth may show up as an earthy, greenish, rosy buildup or film that wet blankets up on tank glass, the rock or substrate, adornments, and plants inside the aquarium. There are approaches to maintain a strategic distance from this abundance and, as a rule, switch it, as well.

What Causes Algae Overgrowth? 

Like any vegetation, Algae growth flourish with three fundamental necessities: water, light, and supplements. In the event that there is an overabundance of any of these factors, at that point Algae growth can develop out of control, much the same as weeds developing in a nursery. 

Clearly, your aquarium can't abandon water, however you can control the measure of light and supplements that are in the water. Some basic explanations behind Algae growth excess are:
  1. Lights left on too long
  2. Aquarium in a location with direct sunlight
  3. Overfeeding the fish
  4. Going too long between water changes
  5. Maintaining water environment with a high nutrient level

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